Thursday, December 31, 2009

On the Road to Nowhere

She tells me to take off work over the holidays so we can take a road trip. I love road trips.

Instead we end up doing stuff like this at a house she bought for an investment that is about an hour's drive away. It is now empty and she wants to unload it ASAP.

We have to deal with issues like this terrible pink bathroom.

I am smiling because although I did not get the holiday road trip she promised me, it's not my money I am spending on all these renovations and that feels pretty good. I wish my knees did.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Making Merry

My Christmas Eve attire was carefully chosen.

As was my booze du jour.

The evening activities were a bit subdued this year.

Nonetheless it was a very Merry Christmas. Can't wait till next year.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

O Christmas Tree

At first I had my doubts about this little aluminum tree she bought off ebay a few years back but it sure beats wrestling a pine tree into the living room.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Jingle Bells

My one horse open sleigh is perfect for getting the groceries down our long, steep driveway.

Even the eggs survived the ride.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Holiday Shopping

After a long day of Christmas shopping, we stopped in at Homestead Gardens.
The outdoor display is something to see.

The trains kept me busy while she looked at sparkly stuff.

Yes, Santa, I have been a good boy this year.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Big Snow

Sunday morning 8 am. Hope the neighbors didn't mind the racket I made shoveling out the cars.

My knees are going to hate me in the morning.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

First Things First

As soon as they called for this weekend's heavy snow, I made sure I had my priorities in order. Wood and whiskey. I'm all set. Let it snow!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Rainy December

I thought I would spend the day taking care of my Christmas cards....

because it is doing this outside.

But I just realized I don't have anyone's address so if you want a Christmas card from me this year you are going to have to send me one first. Merry Christmas.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Out in the Cold

If it comes from Iowa it has to be warm. We don't have snow, but we have cold. A pair of long johns and an Iowa Law tee are a mailman's best friend. Now if I could just find my scarf.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Up on the Roof Top

Sunday started out jolly. A warm, sunny morning is perfect for putting up the outside decorations. Plenty of time before football. I thought.

Things took an ugly turn when every G#$ d$#* light was either burnt out or broken. I even made a trip to the hardware store and things are still not lit.

The neighbors got an earful and it wasn't me singing Jingle Bells. Stupid f*@#ing lights.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

After the Feast

The only thing I am good for at the moment is changing the channels. Happy Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Shiny Solution

Good Idea:
The faucet had a leak and needed replacing. Underneath the sink there was some minor water damage to the wood. Covering the wood with something better able to handle water seemed like a good idea.

Bad Idea: Doing all this when she was not home.

It sure is bright under there now.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Damn Knee Part 2

After a painful visit to the doctors this morning, I can see some improvement in the swelling. Surgery for this knee will be in January since I still need more time for the other one to heal. Getting old is no fun. Everything just keeps breaking.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Deja Vu

This is not the knee I just had surgery on. It is the other one. The one formerly known as the good knee-until I ran into the coffee table corner at full speed. Getting around with one bad knee is hard enough. Two bad knees-impossible.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat

Any excuse to clown around on the job works for me. Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

First Thing First

Bills to pay.
Football to watch.
Go Miami.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Back to the Old Grind

This is how I feel about going back to work tomorrow after being off since July.

This is me remembering I can retire anytime I want.

The pink bandana is my way of recognizing Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Check out the website for more info.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Chim Chim Cheree

The doctor says I can go back to work on the 19th so I am testing out the knee on all the chores that have piled up since my surgery.

This may be pushing it but it really needed doing.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Arach NO phobia

Here is my new little buddy that is living in the shed behind the Mustang.

Everyone who knows me is aware that I have an issue with spiders. Me and this guy are going to have to reach some kind of understanding or things may get ugly.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Simple Things Gone Bad

The bathroom ended up looking like this because a simple repair job turned into a day's project because of some rusty nuts.

In order to stop the toilet from running I had to end up taking off the entire tank and making two runs to the hardware store for parts.

After a good cleaning it was good as new. Almost.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fire Bug

I love burning stuff. Any stuff. Anywhere.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Almost Open For Business

Knee is on the mend. Weather is drying out. Could be some car talk in the near future.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ready for Some Football

It starts out like this.

And then ends up like this.

Having this much time on my hands is making me think that fantasy football might be the way to go.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Yes, It's Still There!

I just had to go out today and check to see if things were the way I left them. Laying on the couch is getting old even if there is football to watch. The doc says to give it a few more weeks and then I should be back in business.

And here is one vehicle I hope not to see for a long while. The moving truck taking your kid away. Far away. And I could not even help. It kinda sucks.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bed Rest

This is certainly not as much fun as it looks. I did manage to finish Phantom Prey by John Sandford. It was another miserable, hot weekend thanks to yet another tropical storm coming up the coast so I probably would have been doing nothing anyway.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

A Pretty Good Reason

You won't be seeing much happening on the blog for a while. Crawling around under the car is not what the doctor ordered. I still have big plans. I just need some time for the knee to heal.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Why I Need a Garage

Behind this giant mess is the downstairs wood stove. I am going to have to figure something out before it gets cold. Good thing SHE can't complain about it. You should see what the living room looks like. She knits. And weaves. And quilts. And spins. And....just take my word for it. It's a big mess too.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Thanks a Lot, Bill

That is not my pool. That is my car covered in it's blue tarp. Thanks to that hurricane/tropical storm off the coast, we have had rain, rain and more rain for several miserable hot, muggy days. How many days until fall?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Paint Job

Front suspension and radiator shell got a coat of paint today.

Finally some progress you can see.