Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ed's Shed

I really need to clean this place out. I can't find anything in it.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Keeping Busy

I had a giant pile of logs.
Now I have a giant pile of firewood.

It took me 3 days to split all this wood by hand. I am ready for next winter even while this one is still hanging on.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


My fancy Valentine's Day lunch yesterday ended with this seriously delicious dessert. They call it Dolcini but I call it little bites of yummy stuff. The spoons were too big though. The Olive Garden needs to get some of those little gelato spoons. That way all that yummy would have lasted a lot longer.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

It's 11:30 on Valentine's morning and I never got HER anything this year. I guess I am going to have to take her out to lunch to make up for it. Subway's not going to cut it so I guess it's going to have to be the Olive Garden. Good thing I have a gift certificate.

Friday, February 11, 2011

A Clean Sweep

Now this is my idea of snow.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tax Time

No. I'm not doing them yet. I am just trying to figure out where all my info is. I am starting to think they don't send you all your paperwork anymore so that you will call. Then they can try and sell you stuff.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mr. Clean

I filled up all these bags with old clothes. Purple Heart is coming on the 9th.

I also cleaned out under the bed. Along with the giant dust bunnies, I found lots of shoes I have never worn. It seems I have bought quite a few pairs of black tennis shoes.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Superbowl Sunday

It started with dinner-jambalaya with sausage and shrimp.

Then for some snacks of nachos and cheese.

I thought the halftime show was great-and yes those are my Christmas lights. I did manage to get the outside ones down today though.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

It's a Beautiful Day

It was almost 60 degrees out the other day. While the rest of the country was being snowed in, we were having the only nice day of the winter.

I wasn't the only one enjoying the sunshine.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Big Bucks

A quick trip to the vets with an itchy dog ended up costing $250 with a written proposal for an additional $500 of care. Ouch.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Home Expo

We took advantage of some free tickets for the Home Expo at the Equestrian Center this afternoon. It was Friday and the place was crawling with us retired folk.

There were lots of hot tubs to examine.

And even some saunas for sale.
I game home with a $40 tile cutter and a lot of business cards from companies that install replacement windows and gutters.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Lot of Loot

Thanks to all my generous friends and customers I ended up with lots of really good stuff. All these gift cards and piles of cash were in addition to the gifts and plates of food I brought home on my last day at work. It was nice to know I was appreciated.