Sunday, March 31, 2013

Never Enough

I love dyeing eggs.

Every year I look forward to it.

Every egg is a little masterpiece.

I dip.

I use the wax crayon that comes in the box.

I put colors on top of colors. A dozen is never enough. I had Her go boil some more.

 As long as there is dye left I will keep on going.


Happy Easter everybody!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Surprise

You can't enjoy a single holiday around here without something going wrong.

New Year's we had a flooded basement and now we have a #*&! washer that won't spin and a tub full of soaking wet towels. I give up.

Guess what She is getting for Easter this year? Too bad Home Depot doesn't deliver on Sunday.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Out of Order

A few days before our mini blizzard, I was out putting up the fence for Her little garden.

We wouldn't want the bunnies and other varmints to make off with one of the four plants She has growing in there.

That's a lot of work for something you can buy by the bagful for less than a dollar at the grocery store. The four plants cost me $3.

Monday, March 25, 2013

March Madness

One of the main reasons I wanted to retire is so that I would never have to worry about getting to work when it does this outside.

Even so, I still end up having to get up and get out on a snowy morning.

You have to have the necessities in order to survive a day stuck inside with nothing to do but watch basketball.

Shoveling certainly wasn't going to take much time.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Something Almost Done

Spring better get here soon. I am running out of rugs to hook.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Wearing of the Green

 I've been looking forward to today's dinner for weeks.

The house has smelled like corned beef and cabbage all day.

It was worth waiting for.

The soda bread was store bought this year but it was good.

Ditto for dessert.

 I didn't make the beer either but I enjoyed it just the same.

Cleaning up wasn't great but the beer definitely helped.

May you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night,and the road downhill all the way to your door.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!