Sunday, January 26, 2014

Back Breaker

Hauling firewood up the hill is no fun.

I can't use the wheelbarrow in the snow so the Ikea bags will have to do. I might need to rethink this woodpile thing for next year.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Digging Out

 I retired the year of the Snowpocalypse.

 Since then we haven't had much to shovel.

 Until yesterday. It was a whopping four whole inches of the white stuff but it kept me busy all day. I had the whole driveway cleared in under four hours and the rest of the place cleared out a few hours later.

The secret to my shoveling super powers? Yep.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Vroom, Vroom

Thanks to the long dreary winter weather, I've had plenty of time to work my way through the stack of model kits I got for Christmas.

The problem is that I am running out of places to display them. Even so, I'm already thinking of which ones I want to buy next.