Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ring a Ding Ding

I got a new phone. For free.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Damn Rain

We have had a rainy week here. We discovered that the top of the new cabana holds water. LOTS of water.

I look like I am smiling here but I am really saying shit over and over as I come to realize that the top is going to have to come down every time they are calling for rain. That's just crazy.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bug Control

After spending the day on the deck working with her dirty bags of sheep hair, SHE came in covered in bug bites. We have these little things that fall from the trees and bite the heck out of you.

I have been thinking about getting something to sit under for a while now and the Giant had this cabana on sale.

It was easy for the two of us to put up.

It's a pretty big screened-in room that will keep things from dropping down on you. It won't do much once the mosquitoes find there way under the screens but that's a problem for another day.

I celebrated having somewhere to sit by starting a fire and roasting some corn.

The stove was NOT in the screened room. I do know better than that.

It's early for corn but it was really good.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

One More

I am putting this picture here to remind myself why I bought all that wool hooking stuff.
If this chair could win a blue ribbon maybe I can too.

Monday, May 9, 2011

More Sheep and Wool

There is one crowd at the festival I never mind getting into the middle of.

At 11:00 you will always find me at the sheepdog demonstration.

Even on a cool day a dog gets hot working sheep.

I'd rather pet them than chase them. These are goats by the way. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. I want to take this one home.

I'm not a big fan of eating lamb so lunch was fries. I really wanted the ribbon chips but the line was too long.

The last thing I do before heading home is always buy something new for the yard. I have quite a collection of perennials that grow in the shade now.
I don't give a doodley squat about yarn but the Sheep and Wool Festival is still a good way to spend a Saturday.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sheep and Wool

It's the 2011 Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival.

You have to be careful who you ask questions to.

The next thing you know they've got you doing weird stuff.

This is traditional rug hooking. It's done with strips of wool, not strips of yarn like modern latch hooking.

I ended up buying some things to get started with.

I got a bundle of wool to cut, a burlap canvas, a hooking tool and some binding. What the hell was I thinking?

Friday, May 6, 2011

What Else is for Dinner?

The sink has been full of green stuff for more than a week now.

The refrigerator is full of it too.

I hope I don't start looking like this guy.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

What's For Dinner?

Green stuff. Lots and lots of green stuff. All week long we have had green stuff over pasta, over rice, over anything you can put it on. All from 4 plants of each kind. Here is some kale, Swiss chard, spinach and Chinese cabbage sauteing in some olive oil and garlic. It was good. Very good.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Garden Notes

Everything seems to be growing well under those row covers. They were a good investment.

The broccoli is looking like broccoli. I wish the Brussel sprouts would start looking like Brussel sprouts.

I put some tomatoes in some pots just to see how they would do. I had a problem with them getting out of control last year.

I also stuck a few in the ground along with some peppers.

Today's harvest was a giant bag of kale, spinach and chard. It is amazing how much you get from just a few plants.