Saturday, March 24, 2012

Someone's Always Watching

No matter what I'm doing I'm being watched. The inside cats watch out the window.

The outside cats are trying to watch and at the same time not be seen. Look carefully and you can see two of them being sneaky.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

All in a Day's Work

First the bathroom had to be taken apart and gotten ready for painting.

While the repairs were drying I went to the hardware store and bought the supplies to keep the front yard from sliding down the hill.

I even spray painted the cinder blocks green so they won't be so ugly before the vines take over.

Hauling all that dirt was no fun but I'm done. For now.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Not Your Usual Day at the Golf Course

I play golf at a little place nearby. It's nothing fancy but it has a lot to offer.

Today it had more than usual to keep you entertained.

There were baby goats everywhere. Most were just a few days old.

They were already jumping around like puppies.

They came in all colors. You couldn't tell whose baby was whose.

The moms looked tired...

... but were keeping a close watch.

In spite of all the excitement, I managed to hit a bucket of balls.

I attracted the attention of a pro for all the wrong reasons. I guess I'll be getting some lessons in the near future.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

It's corned beef and cabbage with potatoes and carrots for dinner.

No, I'm not planting potatoes on the traditional day to do so. I'm moving the giant hostas so we will he able to use the sidewalk this summer.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Death and Taxes

It's that time of year again but this time it is not so much fun. Retirement makes taxes an extra headache because I never could figure out how to pay into the state. Guess who has to write Maryland a big fat check this year? Ouch.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

An Early Spring

The local garden center had the cool weather plants ready to go.

The garden wasn't ready for them though. Most of that green stuff is weeds.

It didn't take much to get it ready. I gave it a good turning over.

It doesn't look very pretty but those little plants are safe-for the time being.

Monday, March 12, 2012

A Trip to the City

The family decided to have a little get together in the city this weekend.

Dinner in Chinatown...

...and a brief stroll on the city streets.

Our final destination was just around the corner.

We had the best seats in the house at The Verizon Center.

The Wizards put on quite a show...

...except when they are playing. They lost.

The halftime show wasn't exactly Madonna. It was a Zumba demo.

Friday, March 9, 2012

A Mighty Wind

At about 7 am I woke up to the sound of something big hitting the house.

It was big all right. The wind had picked up the cabana and tossed it into the sliding glass doors. The doors didn't break but the cabana sure did. The thick metal poles were bent by the impact. Now how are we going to cover up the Occupy Kitty City that we have going on up there on the deck?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


It wasn't much of a challenge after all. I must have some harder ones around here somewhere.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Everyday is Saturday

When I am not out tearing up the golf course, I latch hook rugs.

I also work on puzzles.
Retired life is good.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Music Man

The next step in my man cave clean up is to do something that makes sense with my hundreds of CDs.

Mission accomplished. Now what am I going to do with the 4 crates of albums?